They say that you can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your family. That rings true for sports stars as well as the rest of us mortals. Your parents are the most important people in your lives when you’re growing up. The way you think and the way you act will, in a lot of ways, reflect them too.
But some parents rip up the manual and bend the rules. So today, we’re going to take a look at 25 of the worst sports parents ever. Many of them swindled their own children, put them under brutal training regimes, or just weren’t there for them at all. Of course, this can lead to morally grey areas.
Is it fair to sacrifice your son or daughter’s childhood if it means establishing them as a sporting legend and earning riches in the process? It’s a tough one.

25. Tiger Woods
Woods is one of the greatest golfers ever. His 82 wins on the
PGA Tour is a joint record. He was also the youngest player to win a career Grand Slam and only the second to achieve it three times. But Woods didn’t always have the best relationship with his father Earl.

Earl was extremely tough on his son. He pushed him hard and even
implemented a rule of silence during his practices. He’d walk his line of sight when Tiger was about to swing and drop his clubs in Tiger’s backswing. It definitely worked out well for them both in the end, but it wasn’t easy for the young Eldrick growing up.