While many National Basketball Association (NBA) superstars past and present have become role models for their young fans, there’s also another subset of the sport that has walked a different, darker path.
For every Lebron James or a similarly revered star, there are even more basketball players that have run afoul of the law and paid for it. Some were stars, others were merely role players, but ultimately they all sullied their own names by ending up in police blotters.
The best and brightest of NBA stars are obviously at the forefront of headlines because of their on-court accomplishments. You already know about them, of course. We chronicled the NBA players who became known more for their arrest records. Here are the 25 most notorious criminals in NBA history:
Kyle Lowry
Lowry just won an NBA title with the sky-high Toronto Raptors in their upset of longtime dynasty Golden State Warriors. But there was a time when Lowry wasn’t looked upon with such fondness.
In early 2012, the Raptors star was arrested on a misdemeanor battery charge. The details of the charge are not encouraging. During the NBA lockout, Lowry played a pick-up game with other pros in Las Vegas, Nevada, that got him heated. Lowry had issues with female referee Infini Robinson, allegedly threatening her verbally and even throwing a basketball at her due to her supposedly bad calls. Another referee present, Bobby McRoy, told Bleacher Report the star has rage issues:
“Lowry was abusive with him as well and believes that he has an anger problem. He said during the game Lowry was verbally combative and confrontational to the victim leading up to the incident where he battered her twice with basketballs.”
A warrant was issued for his arrest for his role in the incident and he was hit with two counts of battery. Lowry was eventually required to complete “impulse-control management” in addition to 100 hours of community service.