Every sports fan dreams of seeing their team perform live. However, the reality is that many also have horror stories of their experiences at other stadiums and opposition fans. Not every game will be a good time because there are some awful people out there.
A lot of alcohol is consumed at sports games and there are also a lot of ignorant people out there. This leads to some very interesting and often traumatic experiences. Today we’re going to take a look at 30 of these horror stories. Check out the list below via the Sports Drop.
30. I Hope You Fall
The Giants and the Dodgers maintain one of the oldest rivalries. It goes
all the way back to their days in New York before they made the journey west. Nowadays, it’s probably the most fierce rivalry in MLB. However, it has also led to some horror stories of interactions between fans. One Giants fan living in L.A. revealed the tension he always felt when he wore his team’s jersey in the city.
He told The Sports Drop that he went to a game with his
60-year-old father who had just undergone knee surgery. One Dodgers fan told his father, “I hope you fall and hurt yourself.” But he didn’t realize that the old man was a military veteran who had no problem whacking him between the legs with his walking stick. It was a painful reminder that it doesn’t hurt to be nice.