Nothing brings people together like major sports events. However, they also create massive arguments when they’re controversial. They can divide fans and enrage them in a variety of ways. First, if the officiating is dodgy or the game appears to be a fix, then questions will be asked.
Furthermore, the location and the timing of an event can cause massive problems. The controversial Tokyo Olympics in 2021 is a clear example. Today we’ll take a look at 20 of the most controversial sports events. Take a look at the list below via Medium and Bleacher Report.

20. Astros Sign-Stealing Scandal (2017):
There’s no doubt that the Houston Astros cheated their way to a World Series victory. That is controversial enough in itself. But even worse is the fact that MLB Commissioner Robert Manfred didn’t strip them of their titles. It’s one of the most bizarre reactions to blatant cheating in sports history. The Astros’ sign-stealing scandal saw them use live feed footage and signals to overcome rival teams.

An MLB investigation determined that the Astros’ conduct was disgraceful. While they suffered severe penalties in the draft and lost five million dollars, they kept their World Series win. The symbolic nature of this was ridiculous because they didn’t deserve it. Meanwhile, the players took an active role in the cheating but MLB didn’t punish them at all. To sum up, it was a farce.